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At just 13 years old Lennox already shows extraordinary abilities whenever on his bike and the young German also comes with a solid network of people around him, guiding and helping him. This mix of talent, a great support group and now his usage of our products is a recipe for success. There is no doubt in my mind Lennox is going to be pushing the sport of BMX /bike riding for decades to come and we as a brand want to grow and innovate our products to enable this growth. We can't wait to visit Lennox in Germany in the future and to also invite him on future international filming trips – Sebastian keep


Name: Lennox Zimmermann

Age: 13

Hometown: Germany

Sponsors: tall order, TSG International, VANS, BikersBase Bikeshop

Occupation: Student

Instagram: lennoxzimmermannbmx

Bike: tall order 187